Is attacks on Syria part of a master plan?
When you smell a rat, you usually find a rat, right? I think this may be the case for war against Syria.
When I first heard President Obama condemn the Syrian president Bashar Assad for using chemicals on his own people, it was like deja vu. Isn't that what we said Saddam Hussein did to get into war with Iraq? But, doesn't the US government have a very long, long documented history of spraying its own people with chemicals??
Then I read this article below:
It states that Israel received military support from Al-Qaeda in its latest attack on Syria. And isn't Israel our "greatest" ally? Apparently we have a history of arming Al-Qaeda and employing their services, which made me think about the 9-11 conspiracy again and the CIA's relationship with Osama Bin Laden.
Then, I hear that Secretary of State John Kerry has gone to Russia to speak with President Putin to talk them into supporting a war against Syria, I mean "to take a tougher stance on Syria":
Then, I hear that we and our British allies may send arms to the Syrian rebels to fight against the evil Assad regime, which, by the way, claims that it's the rebels which have used the deadly gas:
BUT, then I hear UN human rights investigator Carla del Ponte, who is a very reliable source, say that they have information that it's the rebels and not the government that has sprayed Sarin gas on its own people.
So, if we are giving weapons to the rebels who has used Sarin, a powerful neurotoxin developed by Nazi scientists in the 1930s, to fight against a government, which may not have used Sarin at all, and we are using Al-Qaeda forces in our alliance against them, and we are trying to get Russia to side with us against Syria, it seems to me that there could possibly be an agenda to put someone else, perhaps someone we personally choose with the same master plan as us, in power in Syria.
Chem Trails continue today
Yesterday, I took this picture outside my house of obvious "chem trails" in the western sky. They stayed there for an extremely long time, which is typical of chemical spraying, and not a typical contrail from a jet.
The chem trail phenomenon really took off, excuse the play on words, in 1996 when it became apparent that jets were conducting aerial spraying over populace areas. Even a US congressman, Dennis Kucinich mentioned "Chem trails" in a bill, which was quickly killed in committee.
Supporters of this conspiracy theory speculate that the purpose of the chemical release may be for solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, weather control, or biological warfare.chemical warfare and that these trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems. ( But I think if you believe in the "New World Order" conspiracy, the answer to why is simple: population control.
This is NO HOAX! It is going on in ALL 50 states.
During the 1950s and '60s, the U.S. Army dusted chosen American cities from coast to coast with a fine powder of a fluorescent, potentially toxic chemical. And now one scientist says, at least in the case of St. Louis, that powder may have contained radioactive material.
The powder scattering was part of Operation Large Area Coverage (LAC), a series of tests the Army says were designed to assess the threat of biological attacks by simulating the airborne dispersion of germs. The experiments exposed large swathes of the United States, and parts of Mexico and Canada, to flurries of a synthesized chemical called zinc cadmium sulfide.
New research from sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor in St. Louis, one of the cities singled out for heavy-duty testing during LAC, suggests the Army may have mixed radioactive particles with the zinc cadmium sulfide it spread throughout a poor, mostly black neighborhood there.
Our government would never spray its own citizens, would it? Well, actually they already have and were caught doing it. It is documented:
During the 1950s and '60s, the U.S. Army dusted chosen American cities from coast to coast with a fine powder of a fluorescent, potentially toxic chemical. And now one scientist says, at least in the case of St. Louis, that powder may have contained radioactive material.
The powder scattering was part of Operation Large Area Coverage (LAC), a series of tests the Army says were designed to assess the threat of biological attacks by simulating the airborne dispersion of germs. The experiments exposed large swathes of the United States, and parts of Mexico and Canada, to flurries of a synthesized chemical called zinc cadmium sulfide.
New research from sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor in St. Louis, one of the cities singled out for heavy-duty testing during LAC, suggests the Army may have mixed radioactive particles with the zinc cadmium sulfide it spread throughout a poor, mostly black neighborhood there.
Exerpt from
In other tests in the 1950s, Army researchers dispersed Serratia on Panama City, Fla., and Key West, Fla., with no known illnesses resulting. They also released fluorescent compounds over Minnesota and other Midwestern states to see how far they would spread in the atmosphere. The particles of zinc-cadmium-sulfide -- now a known cancer-causing agent -- were detected more than 1,000 miles away in New York state, the Army told the Senate hearings, though no illnesses were ever attributed to them as a result.
Another bacterium, Bacillus globigii, never shown to be harmful to people, was released in San Francisco, while still others were tested on unwitting residents in New York, Washington, D.C., and along the Pennsylvania Turnpike, among other places, according to Army reports released during the 1977 hearings.
In New York, military researchers in 1966 spread Bacillus subtilis variant Niger, also believed to be harmless, in the subway system by dropping lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto tracks in stations in midtown Manhattan. The bacteria were carried for miles throughout the subway system, leading Army officials to conclude in a January 1968 report: "Similar covert attacks with a pathogenic [disease-causing] agent during peak traffic periods could be expected to expose large numbers of people to infection and subsequent illness or death."
Army officials also found widespread dispersal of bacteria in a May 1965 secret release of Bacillus globigii at Washington's National Airport and its Greyhound bus terminal, according to military reports released a few years after the Senate hearings. More than 130 passengers who had been exposed to the bacteria traveling to 39 cities in seven states in the two weeks following the mock attack.
The Army kept the biological-warfare tests secret until word of them was leaked to the press in the 1970s. Between 1949 and 1969, when President Nixon ordered the Pentagon's biological weapons destroyed, open-air tests of biological agents were conducted 239 times, according to the Army's testimony in 1977 before the Senate's subcommittee on health. In 80 of those experiments, the Army said it used live bacteria that its researchers at the time thought were harmless, such as the Serratia that was showered on San Francisco. In the others, it used inert chemicals to simulate bacteria.
Several medical experts have since claimed that an untold number of people may have gotten sick as a result of the germ tests. These researchers say even benign agents can mutate into unpredictable pathogens once exposed to the elements.
"The possibility cannot be ruled out that peculiarities in wind conditions or ventilation systems in buildings might concentrate organisms, exposing people to high doses of bacteria," testified Stephen Weitzman of the State University of New York, in the 1977 Senate hearings.
For its part, the Army justified its experiments by noting concerns during World War II that U.S. cities might come under biological attack. To prepare a response, the Army said, it had to test microbes on populated areas to learn how bacteria disperse.
"Release in and near cities, in real-world circumstances, were considered essential to the program, because the effect of a built-up area on a biological agent cloud was unknown," Edward A. Miller, the Army's secretary for research and development at the time, told the subcommittee.
Independent analysis of chemtrail fallout has identified many toxic chemicals including:
Aluminum Oxide Particles
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF)
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles
(Containing Live Biological Matter)
Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins
Hindenburg Mystery finally solved

The dream was a fleet of hydrogen-filled airships criss-crossing the globe, silvered hulls shining in the sunlight. And for a while the fantasy became reality, For the Hindenburg was the Concorde of its day – able to cross the Atlantic in about three days, twice as fast as going by sea.
With nearly 100 on board, the 245m airship was preparing to land at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on 6 May 1937, when the age of airship travel ended. In front of horrified onlookers, the Hindenburg exploded and plunged to the ground in flames. Thirty-five of those on board died.
Now, 76 years later, a team of experts claims to have solved one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th century: the real cause of the Hindenburg air disaster. And they name static electricity as the culprit.
Led by a British aeronautical engineer, Jem Stansfield, and based at the South West Research Institute in the US, the team blew up or set fire to scale models more than 24m long, in an attempt to rule out theories ranging from a bomb planted by a terrorist to explosive properties in the paint used to coat the Hindenburg.
Investigations after the disaster concluded that a spark had ignited leaking hydrogen gas, but could not agree on what caused the spark, or the leaking gas. Conspiracy theories took hold that the airship had been brought down by a bomb, or had been shot down from the ground. Through recreating different scenarios with mini-replicas, and studying archive footage of the disaster, along with eyewitness accounts, experts believe they have discovered what really happened.
Mark Heald was eight when he watched the Hindenburg coming in to land. He was watching from a distance and able to see what those closer to the airship couldn't – where the fire started. "Years later, my father realised that he should have volunteered testimony in some of the initial investigations, because we were probably in a rather unusual location. As I recall, we were seeing it from pretty much a side view. We saw a little bit of blue fire just forward of the vertical rudder, the upper rudder. It hung right to the top ridge."
In a documentary being broadcast on Channel 4 on Thursday, experts reveal the sequence of events that triggered the explosion. The airship had become charged with static as a result of an electrical storm. A broken wire or sticking gas valve leaked hydrogen into the ventilation shafts, and when ground crew members ran to take the landing ropes they effectively "earthed" the airship. The fire appeared on the tail of the airship, igniting the leaking hydrogen.
"I think the most likely mechanism for providing the spark is electrostatic," said Mr Stansfield. "That starts at the top, then the flames from our experiments would've probably tracked down to the centre. With an explosive mixture of gas, that gave the whoomph when it got to the bottom."
The airship historian Dan Grossman agrees. "I think that's exactly what happened. I think you had massive distribution of hydrogen throughout the aft half of the ship; you had an ignition source pull down into the ship, and that whole back portion of the ship went up almost at once."
Documentary shows scientific evidence of demolition on 9/11
Today I watched a documentary titled, "9/11 Explosive Evidence" that ONLY looked at scientific evidence done by experts in building engineering, architecture, and fire fighting. There was additional input from psychologists, numerous eyewitnesses of the explosions, and family members of victims.
One man's son was found dead in the LOBBY, killed by an explosion blast, which others had heard and seen. The victim was brought out before any towers came down.
This documentary is a must-see. It does not name names or assign blame for the demolition, but it does point out both signs of destroying evidence afterward and lack of proper and scientific investigation into the 9/11 attacks.
Let me know what you think about this film!
9/11 Researcher Found Dead:
Wrote Book Implicating Bush Administration
in the 9/11 Attacks
Feb. 6, 2013
Phillip Marshall wrote about conspiracy. Was he a victim of one? '9/11 Truther' Phillip Marshall and his entire family were recently found dead of gunshot wounds in what authorities are calling a murder suicide. Marshall was a former airline pilot and a '9/11 Conspiracy Theorist' and book writer who believed that the Bush administration, with cooperation from Saudi intelligence, had committed the 'false flag' terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Marshall was also a former CIA and DEA pilot during the Iran/Contra Scandal. Marshall lived in fear for his life while writing his 9/11 Truther book implicating the United States government and George W. Bush in the 'false flag' attacks. Has the US government begun an all out assault on whistle blowers and so-called truthers? That would certainly put at least 50% of Beforeitsnews readers and reporters/contributors in jeapardy of a drone strike or 'accident' for merely seeking truth. The excellent videos below share that many Americans believe that this was another HIT upon a man who knew too much and was willing to share his information with the world. Why'd THEY kill his family, and dog, too? Was that REALLY NECESSARY George Bush? The story below is from The Mail Online and The Santa Barbara View.

A pilot who wrote a conspiracy theory book about 9/11 is dead after he shot his two teenage children and family dog before turning the gun on himself. Micalia Phillips, 14, and her 17-year-old brother Alex, were also found dead at the home inside the gated Forrest Meadows community.
The former airline pilot's controversial conspiracy book The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror was released last year.
While he was writing it, Marshall believed that his life was in danger because of the allegations involved.
According to Santa Barbara View, during the editing and pre-marketing process of Marshall’s book, he expressed some degree of paranoia because the nonfiction work accused the George W. Bush administration of being in cahoots with the Saudi intelligence community in training the hijackers who died in the planes used in the attacks.
“Think about this,” Marshall said last year in a written statement, “The official version about some ghost (Osama bin Laden) in some cave on the other side of the world defeating our entire military establishment on U.S. soil is absolutely preposterous.”
Marshall went on to say: “The true reason the attack was successful is because of an inside military stand-down and a coordinated training operation that prepared the hijackers to fly heavy commercial airliners. We have dozens of FBI documents to prove that this flight training was conducted California, Florida and Arizona in the 18 months leading up to the attack.”
The veteran pilot confided that he was concerned about his 10-year, independent 9/11 study and most recent book since they pointed to the Saudis and the Bush intelligence community as the executioners of the attack that defeated all U.S. military defenses on Sept. 11, 2001. Marshall said he knew his book might cause some people to take issue with him.
The former airline pilot's controversial conspiracy book The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror was released last year.
While he was writing it, Marshall believed that his life was in danger because of the allegations involved.
According to Santa Barbara View, during the editing and pre-marketing process of Marshall’s book, he expressed some degree of paranoia because the nonfiction work accused the George W. Bush administration of being in cahoots with the Saudi intelligence community in training the hijackers who died in the planes used in the attacks.
“Think about this,” Marshall said last year in a written statement, “The official version about some ghost (Osama bin Laden) in some cave on the other side of the world defeating our entire military establishment on U.S. soil is absolutely preposterous.”
Marshall went on to say: “The true reason the attack was successful is because of an inside military stand-down and a coordinated training operation that prepared the hijackers to fly heavy commercial airliners. We have dozens of FBI documents to prove that this flight training was conducted California, Florida and Arizona in the 18 months leading up to the attack.”
The veteran pilot confided that he was concerned about his 10-year, independent 9/11 study and most recent book since they pointed to the Saudis and the Bush intelligence community as the executioners of the attack that defeated all U.S. military defenses on Sept. 11, 2001. Marshall said he knew his book might cause some people to take issue with him.
'Legacy of Secrecy' film to probe JFK Mystery
I have always been drawn to mysteries, but one in particular has always been near the top, that of the "mysterious" death of President John F. Kennedy (JFK) on Nov. 22, 2063. It may be because my birthday is Nov. 22, although I came to be three years after the assassination. Nevertheless, the date seems to be the link. (Aside note: Blackbeard the Pirate also died on Nov. 22). The facts in the case have so many holes and the eye witness accounts have always kept the mystery alive.
Now, nearly 50 years later, Leonardo DiCaprio will star in and co-produce a new film called "Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination," set for a 2013 release. DiCaprio will play an FBI informant helping to solve the murder in an adaption of the 2008 novel in which Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann reexamine the JFK assassination. Only this time, it doesn't look like Lee Harvey Oswald did it. But, the film points the finger at another familiar name in JFK lore, southern mob boss, Carlos Marcello, who reported had confessed involvement in the murder.
The full article from Variety can be found at
The release date of the Warner Bros. Picture has not yet been announced, but the hope is that it will be in time for the 50th anniversary.
D. B. Cooper mystery still alive; Fingerfrint test forthcoming
The family of Lynn Doyle Cooper, an Oregon resident who died in 1999, are waiting to see if DNA collected from his toothbrush matches the only known DNA evidence gathered at the time of the November 24, 1971 hijacking. As it is, three sets of fingerprints were extracted from the hijacker's clip-on tie, which was purchased at a second-hand store. It is possible that none of the three prints were his.
The mystery of D. B. Cooper has never been solved. Although boarding as "Dan" Cooper, he was mistakenly referred to as D. B. Cooper after he hijacked a Boeing 727 between Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. He extorted $200,000 and asked for four parachutes. After releasing the passengers, the plane took off with its crew. Around 8:00 p.m., Cooper ordered the crew into the cockpit. Moments later, they felt a change in air pressure. The aft door had been opened. Although no one saw Cooper jump out, it was believed he jumped out with the money and parachuted down.
In August, 2011, Marla Wynn Cooper proposed that her uncle, a Korean War veteran named Lynn Doyle Cooper, may have been D. B. Although her uncle had been dead since 1999, she was able to supply a few of his belongings, including his toothbrush, for fingerprint and DNA analysis.
Wynn Cooper, 8 at the time of the hijacking, recalled her uncle L.D. showing up the day after the hijacking (Thanksgiving) with blood on his shirt. He told her that he was in a car accident. She said her parents came to believe that he was the hijacker. Another clue was her uncle's obsession with a Canadian comic book hero named Dan Cooper and had one of the issues tacked to his wall. There are some physical similarities also between L. D. and D. B., including their wavy hair as described by passengers aboard the hijacked flight.
The FBI confirmed that Wynn Cooper passed a lie detector test about the events and her belief that her uncle was indeed D. B. Cooper.
On Tuesday, February 5, 2013, FBI Agent reportedly told Wynn Cooper that after he receives the toothbrush fingerprint from the crime lab, he plans to close the case.
Oswald house to become museum
You may think it odd, even morbid, but as the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy approaches, the city of Irving, Texas, is restoring the home Lee Harvey Oswald in which slept in the night before the assassination and turning it into a museum.
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